How Conversations With NSFW AI Chat Bot Drove One Man to Suicide

NSFW AI Chat Bot

With the proliferation of AI, many have been quick to point out the possibility of technology one day turning on us, a subject that has been explored in the realm of science fiction for decades now. To technophobes, that day may be sooner than they thought, as evidenced by the recent story of a Belgian […]

In 30 Days, AI Discovered Possible Treatment for Common Cancer

AI cancer treatment

While the world has been at odds with whether or not the advent of AI is a good thing for art, one thing is for sure: It is great for medicine, as evidenced by the fact that it may be on the verge of curing cancer. An AI cancer treatment was discovered after a mere […]

Ray Kurzweil Predicts How Humanity Achieve Immortality Within the Next Decade

Ray Kurzweil

Since the inception of mankind, the quest for immortality has been a cornerstone of many cultures, as evidenced by its prevalence within major religions. To the scientific community, however, immortality has long been regarded as a pipe dream, with Benjamin Franklin famously claiming, “Nothing can be certain but death and taxes.” But according to ex-Google […]