Bodies of Six Women Found in Portland. Police Deny Serial Killer Rumors

serial killer portland

In the last four months, the bodies of six women have been found around the greater Portland, Oregon area. Social media has been ablaze with rumors that these deaths are the works of a serial killer, a notion that the Portland Police Bureau has dismissed. ​​“These discussions have led to some anxiety and fear in […]

The Mystery of the Mary Celeste, aka the Ghost Ship

haunting of the mary celeste

On December 5th, 1872, a Canadian Brigantine—a two-masted sailing ship—called the Del Gratia was sailing 400 miles east of the Azores, an archipelago in the mid-Atlantic. Crew members noticed another ship, the Mary Celeste, drifting in the distance. Attempts were made to contact the ship, all of which failed. So the captain of the Del […]

Unsolved Mystery: The Lead Masks of Vintém Hill

Lead Masks of Vintém Hill mystery 2

On August 20, 1966, a young boy was flying his kite on in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His discovery would eventually become the Lead Masks of Vintém Hill mystery. He noticed what looked like two piles of clothes lying parallel to each other in a small depression on the hill. Upon further inspection, he […]

The Unsolved Mystery of the Deadly Circleville Letters

The Circleville Letters

Imagine the horror of having your deepest secrets revealed: the realization that your privacy has been violated by an unknown force. From 1976 to 1994, inhabitants of Circleville, Ohio were terrorized by this very predicament, which became internationally known as the Circleville Letters. Throughout those 18 years, the anonymous Circleville Writer sent local residents a […]